Upcoming Chamber Events

Breakfast Connections - "COVID-19 Vaccinations: What You Should Know" with AdventHealth Panel of Experts
Vaccinations- how the vaccines work, where they come from, new vaccines, side effects, who should not take them, where they are available, and what we know about availability. Moderated by Austin Purkeypile, COO AdventHealth East Orlando.
Dr. Jennifer Keehbauch, Chief Medical Officer of AdventHealth East Orange Market and Kelley Moring, Program Director of Clinical Support Operations will answer general questions about COVID-19 vaccines and details about the vaccine's distribution.

Date and Time
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EST
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Virtual via Zoom. You will receive the link once you register.
Members: $5
Nonmenters: $10
Contact Information
Felicity Gomer
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